April 23 is a month of spiritual balance. It is also time for us to do everything we can to bring ourselves into a higher state of balance for the soul evolution that is expected to continue over the next few months. Each day I will be adding another offering to this page to support you to clear your energy, claim your place in this world and prepare yourself for the months to come.

Here is the offerings so far.

Arniya Heartford Arniya Heartford

April 3rd

I have been continuing my contemplation about what I would like to achieve by sharing these posts for April. While talking with my spirit team and asking what is it that they want to share here. The general consensus is that our focus needs to be to prepare for the shifts later this year. For those souls who have chosen to experience the June 2023 shifts, it has to potential to be a very intense experience. If we are going to keep up with the changes, we need to do some preparation.

Like what? There are a few options and ideally, you tick them all.

  • It will be easier to embrace change if you are unattached to any self-constructs. EG - negative beliefs and programming. Any labels you put on yourself that keep you in a box. - I am a ….. bad friend or terrible parent.

  • Any habits that lower your vibration, are not your friend at this time. eg smoking, drinking, recreational drugs, etc

  • Having some skills and knowledge of how to support yourself when things get curly.

  • Knowing your spirit team. (Not easy to support you within this format, but we can try)

  • Build your soul strength by learning about your soul medicine

    This will mean that there are days that are giving you an exercise to do, and days which are just concepts to think through and claim as your own.

    So today’s focus.

    This is the beginning of something we will build on.

  • write down- anything you do that makes you come alive. What gets you excited? When do you feel most useful or on purpose? What experiences or skills do you hold that gives you the chance to shine or be “in your happy zone? What skills do you have that help you to thrive when everything has gone wrong? What are you doing when people say you are special or amazing?
    Please keep this list growing over the next few weeks.

    SIde note-

    As I feel my way through April’s energy I am starting to get a handle on the energy. It is a lot heavier than I was expecting. This type of heaviness is to hold us in our bodies and connected to the earth. For the more sensitive people, it is also a very similar vibrational experience to the energy just before a bout of chemical depression. For anyone who has had depression, this could be extremely triggering. Breathing in the sunshine, healing or vitamin D will all help.

    As we continue through the month, we will work to get the blessings from this more ground energy and rise within it.

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Arniya Heartford Arniya Heartford

April 2nd

I am sitting here asking my guardians “what do I need to share with them, to support them as we approach the upcoming shifts?” ….. I should explain that when I am doing my own soul work, I have a large team of guides, guardians, totems, Angels, and a variety of friends and family from this life and others, All of whom, love to weigh in and give their two cents about stuff. When I am working with clients, they all have to talk to one special guardian, who then talks to me. This way, we keep the noise down, while others are around.
Tonight, as I am writing to you, I am letting everyone speak directly to me. I feel I need to hear it all first-hand.

This is making my bedroom exceptionally raucous. However, I think it is achieving the end result. Together they are creating a plan for the next month.

For this morning, your task is to practice evoking the Violet flame. Read about it in this link if you don’t know about it. Experiment with flames of other colours, until you can feel the difference. Later in the next few months, you are going to need to be able to use the violet flame

Over the next few months, try to invoke the violet flame at some point each day. Each time you do, notice what feels different as you feel the violet flame build. Notice the feelings around you and within your body. We are doing this to build up your awareness of how the violet flame feels for you. As the year continues, there may be times when this shielding is very important. It will be more effective for you, if you already have built a relationship/ connection with it.

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Arniya Heartford Arniya Heartford

April 1st

Welcome to the journey of April 2023

March saw an unprecedented amount of upgrades to the human soul matrix. April is giving us a short breathing space to integrate and complete these shifts before they start up again in May. May will be a gentle restart, however, June is going to make up for it and we need to be ready for it.

Today's offering is to support you in understanding more about the current energy. Without this foundation knowledge, it will be harder for you to stay motivated to stick with the process, As humans, we thrive when we understand the wisdom behind the “why, how, and when” type of questions.

If you have read the blog about the energy of April, you will know that this is a month of spiritual rebalancing. Within a year with a focus on the mysteries, this is giving a big push towards returning to a reality of a society where living with an open heart and soul is valued. With this in mind: I will be leading you on a journey over the next month to

  • Come into your body

  • Leave the mind clutter behind

  • Celebrate your bliss

The weekly exercises might require a little more time than the weekday offerings. If two days are going to work together, I will mark it in the heading. If life gets away from you and you get behind, don’t stress. If something is time sensitive, I will try and send out a message. Some offerings might be something you want to go deeper with and take a few days over and some might only need a small contemplation before you are ready to move on.


Take a moment to reflect on your life. If you see yourself living an open, happy and abundant life- What are the key restrictions and blocks that are stopping this from being your reality?
Write each block on a separate piece of paper

For each block write down :

  • What beliefs do you hold around the block?

  • Where did this block or belief come from?

    As you write, feel all the energy in your body that is attached to the beliefs around the block, As you write, see this energy travelling out of your body and down into the paper.

When you have written everything about the block and emptied your body of all the attached energy by putting it into the paper. It is time to release the block.

You can do this with your pendulum or by burning the paper outside.

If you are going to burn it- Hold it between your hands and give thanks for the gifts of having these experiences. (If you still have negative feelings while doing this- go back inside and keep writing) focus on your heart’s energy. Send four waves of energy from your heart out into the world.

The first wave is a wave of forgiveness to anyone involved in these beliefs and blocks.

The Second wave is a wave of apologies to anyone you have affected by having these beliefs and blocks.

The third is a wave of gratitude for the learnings and the experience.

The fourth is a wave of surrender and release from the journey.

If you can then burn the paper and release it from existence.

Do this for as many blocks as you can.

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